Welcome to the Turnaround for Children Toolbox! Please tell us about your professional role so we can learn about our community and provide you with the most relevant tools and resources.

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Tools by Topic

Expectations, Norms and Routines

Building a strong sense of belonging and safety requires that school community members (students, staff, leaders, families, caregivers, etc.) are given the opportunity to co-design the culture – beginning with creating shared expectations, norms and routines. Commitments for how all community members agree to act and interact, along with aligned routines and procedures, create the foundation for an inclusive, predictable and consistent environment.

Upholding these community agreements is the shared responsibility of all members – acknowledgments and celebrations are common, along with opportunities to resolve community conflict and repair trust. Because of the inclusive process, expectations, norms and routines are a reflection of the diverse perspectives and voices of the school community itself.

Expectations, Norms and Routines Continuum

The Continuum is designed to prompt reflection and empower growth across roles in a school by providing rich descriptions of quality and categorically different images of practice across levels: Emerging, Developing, and Advanced.


Educator Reflection: Personal and Community Values

The purpose of this tool is for educators to reflect on how their own values (shaped by their identity, culture, and experiences) show up in their classroom and school, in order to create more inclusive and equitable learning environments.


Norms and Expectations Planner

This tool provides guidance and sample strategies for developing school or classroom norms and expectations, with an emphasis on co-creation, shared power between students and adults, and acknowledging and affirming diverse cultural values and perspectives. This process lays the foundation for a sense safety and belonging.


Co-Regulating Routines Planner

This tool is meant to guide educators to create consistent and predictable routines that are co-regulating and create a sense of safety, while upholding norms and supporting student skill development and autonomy.


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