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The Science of Learning and Development

Whole-Child Education is grounded in the “emerging and growing body of knowledge illuminating how young people best learn and develop,” called the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD).

The U.S. education system was not designed with the goal of whole-child education, or with a comprehensive understanding of the science of learning and development. In fact, it was designed using biased “research” conducted by those in power to justify false and oppressive ideas about which students are capable and deserving of high-quality schooling. These deeply racist, sexist, classist, and ableist ideas created a structure whose foundations we are still wrestling with today as we attempt to solve the problem of our profoundly inequitable education system.

Learn more about the science by watching the video below.

To confront and dismantle the systems, structures, practices and mindsets that continue to limit the endless potential of our students, we can use the science of learning and development as a lever for equity, instead of a tool of oppression. Using the best of what we know from research and practice, we can engage together in the needed redesign to transform our schools — schools that put students on the path toward healthy development, learning and thriving.

5 Key Takeaways from the Science:

1. Development is Bi-Directional

The ongoing, dynamic interaction between nature and nurture – our genes and environment – drives all development.

2. Context Matters

The malleable nature of development is both an opportunity and a vulnerability, depending on the context.

3. Learning is Integrated

Learning isn't "academic" OR "social and emotional" – students become increasingly capable of complex skills through the integration of their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

4. Pathways are Unique

There is no such thing as an average student – each is on their own individual developmental trajectory.

5. Student Voice is Critical

Creating better conditions for learning and development must build from the assets and interests of young people.

Path 3

The Science of Learning and Development


What science should we pay attention to in order to understand how learning happens?

Building Blocks for Learning


Turnaround for Children’s Building Blocks for Learning is a framework for the development of skills children need for success in school and beyond.

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Path 3

Building Blocks for Learning


Turnaround for Children’s Building Blocks for Learning is a framework for the development of skills children need for success in school and beyond.


Malleability, Plasticity, and Individuality


This article synthesizes foundational knowledge from multiple scientific disciplines regarding how humans develop in context.

Drivers of Human Development


This article synthesizes knowledge on the role of relationships and key macro and micro contexts — poverty, racism, families, communities, schools and peers — in supporting and/or undermining the healthy development of children and youth.

Implications for Educational Practice of the Science of Learning and Development


This article draws out the implications for school and classroom practices of an emerging consensus about the science of learning and development, outlined in a recent synthesis of the research.

Design Principles for Schools Playbook


The Design Principles for Schools playbook translates the science of learning and development into structures and practices for education leaders that can become the foundation for a new approach to learning.


Design Principles for Schools Interactive Site


The Design Principles for Schools playbook translates the science of learning and development into structures and practices for education leaders that can become the foundation for a new approach to learning.

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