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Resources from Turnaround for City Year Board of Trustees

The 74


The New Three Rs


Tools for The New Three Rs




Stress and the Brain Toolkit

Turnaround for Children offers free access to Stress and the Brain, a resource for educators selected to complement The 180 Podcast episode Coronavirus: Keeping Our Children And Ourselves Safe, With Pamela Cantor, M.D.

Action Pack: Responding to Crisis Within A Tiered Supports System

To help schools address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Turnaround for Children created a new free Action Pack to guide staff, schools and school systems in Responding to Crisis Within a Tiered Supports System. The crisis component of a tiered support system allows for students who are experiencing disruptions in their health, mood, behavior, and/or skill development to receive immediate support.

The 180 Podcast

Edutopia’s How Learning Happens

More than 20 videos showcasing teaching practices, grounded in the science of learning and development, that educators can use in their classrooms right away. The series features expertise in science and practice from Turnaround for Children Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D., and Learning Policy Institute President and CEO Linda Darling-Hammond, Ed.D.

Science of Learning and Development Papers

Five Non-Negotiables for Whole-Child Design

Vision for School and Student Success

A Framework for Transformational Change

Knowledge from educational practice and research together clearly points toward a whole-child purpose as the driving force of school transformation, actualized through a set of systems, structures and practices that promote a supportive environment, developmental relationships and integrated academic, skill and mindset development for all students.

Additional Resources