Pamela Cantor, M.D. Cited in Edsurge

Photo credit: Lia Koltyrina / Shutterstock
Turnaround for Children Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D., was cited in the EdSurge article, “How Brain Research Helped Retool Our School Schedule for Remote Learning.”
The article’s authors Glenn Whitman and Ian Keller of St. Andrew’s Episcopal in Maryland, discuss how their shift to brain science helped their school transition to an effective distance learning program at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
By developing a schedule centered on the underlying principles of how students learn, Whitman and Keller created a virtual school environment that fosters a balance between academic growth, social and emotional development and overall well-being of students.The authors cited research they used as a guide including research by Turnaround’s Dr. Cantor.
Read the full article on EdSurge.
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