Pamela Cantor, M.D. Cited in Growing the Whole Child Movement Post-Convening Brief

Photo Credit: America’s Promise Alliance
Turnaround for Children Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D., was cited in America’s Promise Alliance’s Growing the Whole Child Post-Convening brief. Dr. Cantor was a featured speaker at the January 29 convening which brought together leaders from national youth-serving and community organizations, philanthropy, schools and districts, and state education agencies to discuss how to grow the movement in support of whole-child approaches to learning and development.
The brief gives a comprehensive summary of some of the lessons learned on what it takes to actualize the Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Commission’s recommendations and advance a whole-child approach to learning and development in order to help all young people thrive. The brief highlights the key takeways from practice, research and policy. Dr. Cantor was cited on page two under “Practice.”
Although some of this knowledge is new, there is deep experience to build upon about how children learn best. Scientific research on human development and learning underscores crucial elements about how children learn – that tell us what we must do now to bring this knowledge fully to life through comprehensive, integrated practice in all the settings in which children grow and learn.
Read the full brief here.
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