Turnaround Listed in Forbes as an Organization worth Investing In that Could Help Shape Global Education

Del Lago Academy Escondido USD GETTING SMART
In a recent Forbes article, “How $5B Could Provide A Great Education For Every Kid On Earth” Getting Smart CEO and Forbes contributor, Tom Vander Ark, outlines a plan to support the development of global education through 15 investments totaling $5 billion.
Vander Ark frames his proposal by looking at opportunities to support the demand and supply of organizations and learning models that are at the forefront of personalized learning and EdTech.
He mentions Turnaround for Children, Digital Promise’s Learner Variability Project and Populace, as organizations that would help build a demand for learner-centered models, stating that an investment of $200 million would accelerate efforts and build demand for personalized learning:
“Science of Learning: Support learning science research and its application (as done by Learner Variability Project, Populace, Turnaround for Children); $200 million would accelerate progress and build demand for powerful and personalized learning experiences.”
Other considerations in his proposal include building a supply for transformative new schools, platform networks, dual enrollment, job training, social and emotional learning skills and more.
Vander Ark explains why he sees an opportunity in the years ahead stating, “the historical success of new school development and the potential of developing learning experiences on powerful new platforms in a connected world makes the next five years a unique opportunity in history.”
Read the article here.
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