Professional Learning Services
The Center for Whole-Child Education’s services are designed to leverage the science of learning and development and assist educators in applying key components of whole-child design to their unique contexts. Grounded in the Whole-Child Design Blueprint, these services support educators at all levels—from district and network leaders to classroom teachers and support staff—to develop and deliver systems, structures and practices that integrate social, emotional, and academic learning and supports, and create equitable learning environments where all students can thrive.
Explore our current professional learning services below. For questions or to get started, send a message to
Download the CWCE Professional Learning Services (PDF)
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Whole-Child Foundations
Professional learning experiences that provide an introduction to whole-child education and the science of learning and development, over the course of a single session or series.
Whole-Child Foundations Session
This session serves as an introduction to the science of learning and development and the Whole-Child Design Blueprint. Participants will understand the research behind whole-child education, and consider the implications for their schools, districts or program with concrete, easy to use practices and tools that can be implemented immediately.
Designing for Thriving Series
This 4-session series serves as an introduction to the science of learning and development and the Whole-Child Design Blueprint.
Adolescent Development Series
This 4-session series serves as an introduction to the science of learning and development and the Whole-Child Design Blueprint, with a focus on adolescent development.
New Teacher Launchpad Session or Series
This single session or 4-session series serves as an introduction to the science of learning and development and the Whole-Child Design Blueprint, specifically for new teachers.
Whole-Child Workshops
Deeper-dive professional learning experiences that focus on a whole-child topic, over the course of a single session or series.
Creating Coherence Across Initiatives Workshop
Implementing multiple initiatives to support students’ holistic needs can lead to educators and leaders feeling over-committed and overwhelmed. Instead, use a whole-child lens to create coherence in purpose and aligned actions across programs, departments, and more.
Holistic Skills for Literacy Workshop
What are all the skills that students need to become strong readers? Learn about the importance of executive functions, and a holistic approach to supporting students’ literacy development.
Developing Adolescent Readers Workshop
What are the unique developmental considerations for budding readers in their teen years? Explore the research on neurodevelopment, psychology, and the science of reading, and consider practical applications to holistically supporting adolescent literacy.
Assessing your Whole-Child Practices Workshop (COMING SOON)
How well do our schools, classrooms, and community spaces support students’ holistic learning and development? Gather data from diverse perspectives using the valid and reliable Whole-Child Design Inventory, analyze your results, and create an action plan to improve your learning context.
Coaching and Consultation
Center staff (all with many years of experience as classroom teachers, and school and district leadership) are available to consult with district and school leaders to define their needs around Whole–Child Education, and to identify the set of supports that would be most helpful to advance their systems and practice.