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Whole-Child Improvement Network

The Whole-Child Improvement Network facilitates collaborative sessions to define problems and move closer to integrated, whole-child design practices.


During the Whole-Child Improvement Network (WCIN), participants collaborate in a set of highly interactive, participant-driven experiences where they define problems of practice grounded in their communities’ needs/inputs, learn from one another, and apply their learning to move their school closer toward holistic, integrated developmental practices.

An intentional focus on shared leadership and ownership core practices that fuel continuous improvement effort and work is woven throughout to ensure that all staff are empowered to drive toward meaningful, whole-child aligned goals together. Participants will challenge each other to resist top-down, high-control models for change, especially those that exclude others and risk reproducing and reinforcing inequitable systems, structures, and outcomes.

In the end, participants will be able to reflect on how redesigning and leading whole-child change efforts in shared, inclusive ways can work to interrupt historical patterns of power and control and mirror the positive context we seek to create for students.


Session times vary, but four-seven, two-hour sessions recommended. The sessions will move through four phases:

Phase 1: Grounding in Whole-Child Design
WCIN activities in this phase are designed to support leaders in building shared understanding of the core principles of Whole-Child Design, invite participants to begin making connections to their districts or schools, and prompt participants to reflect on how change happens.

Phase 2: Identifying Whole-Child Design and Development Aligned Improvement Ideas
WCIN activities in this phase support leaders in collecting data and reflecting on the current state of Whole-Child alignment in their districts or schools, prompts participants to engage in inclusive leadership by including the voices, experiences, and expertise of others in problem identification, and challenges participants to define their problems of practice in equitable ways.

Phase 3: Iterating on Improvement Ideas (while practicing Shared Leadership and Ownership)
WCIN activities in this phase are designed to support leaders in engaging in cycles of continuous learning and improvement by developing improvement ideas grounded in Whole-Child Design, testing out bite-sized improvement ideas, and working with colleagues to reflect on their experiences, the role of Shared Leadership and Ownership in their change efforts, and refine their ideas.

Phase 4: Aggregating Learning and Looking Ahead
WCIN activities in this phase are designed to support leaders in reflecting on and sharing the series of successes and challenges they experienced during their cycles of learning and improvement and asks participants to set intentions for future Whole-Child Design work based on what they have learned from and with other participants.


Best for teams of district, school or teacher leaders.

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