Education Dive On Education Week Survey, Turnaround for Children: Teachers Need Training to Support Students’ Social-Emotional Needs

Photo from Education Dive // Courtesy of The Renaissance Charter School
Education Dive wrote about Education Week’s recent article, “Teachers Support Social-Emotional Learning, But Say Students in Distress Strain Their Skills,” which focuses on a representative survey of teachers conducted by the Education Week Research Center.
According to Education Dive:
As research into incidences of childhood trauma and the benefits of trauma-informed education grows, addressing the social and emotional needs and skills of students is becoming more of a priority for school leaders. Teachers are at the front line when it comes to dealing with students and are often the first to spot social and emotional issues that arise, particularly when these issues impact the classroom.
Training can come from multiple approaches, including the Turnaround for Children program mentioned in the article. Whatever approach school leaders take, they must realize that many teachers themselves need to acquire social-emotional learning skills before they can prepare to pass these skills on to students. Experts recommend that training in social-emotional skills should also be available to other staff members and administrators who work with students in intense situations such as school resource officers and staff members tasked with handling discipline issues.
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