Mindful Features The 180 Podcast on Coronavirus

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Mindful spotlighted Turnaround’s The 180 Podcast episode, “Coronavirus: Keeping Our Children And Ourselves Safe, With Pamela Cantor, M.D.,” in their book and podcast review, both online and in their print magazine.
Citing the episode as “wonderfully well-rounded, grounded, and practical,” the editors noted the breadth of topics covered by Turnaround Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D. and podcast host Chris Riback.
This hour-long episode discusses both physical and emotional safety—e.g., how we can encourage new practices, like more frequent handwashing and strict physical distancing. Helping them shift their behavior, without stressing them out more than necessary, means “patient persistence, enlisting [children and teens] in helping others, and understanding that others are being impacted even more than them.” For their emotional health? Truth and authenticity matter, says Dr. Cantor. Talk to your kids proactively, and answer their questions patiently. Parents should also model habits of well-being, as best they can: “Taking care of yourself, including using reflective practices like meditation, will help you care for others.”
Read the review here.
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