Case Studies
The impact of our work can be seen in stories of our schools and their students – schools that establish a culture of safety, trust and achievement, where students receive much needed stability and support.

P.S. 226: Building Schoolwide Systems and Structures to Support Student Learning and Development
Bronx, New York
Celebrating Turnaround’s Powerful Partnership with Young Voices Academy of the Bronx
Bronx, New York
Turnaround worked closely with the school’s leaders, teachers and community-based mental health partners to create schoolwide systems and structures that foster safe and supportive environments for learning.

One Big Kindergarten
Bronx, New York
Kindergarten teachers at two public schools in the Bronx – Great Expectations P.S. 85 and Bronx Charter School for Excellence – take teamwork to a whole new level.
Scott Cartland, Wheatley Education Campus
Washington, D.C.
Principal Cartland at Wheatley Education Campus in Washington, D.C. had a plan to improve the school's negative, unsafe culture, but he and his faculty struggled to address the sheer number of students who needed support.

Lorraine Chanon, Fannie Lou Hamer Middle School
Bronx, New York
Students came to school with issues that teachers were not prepared to handle and couldn’t overcome. They wanted to help, but didn’t know how.
Dana Kirton, Clara Barton
Bronx, New York
Every Monday morning at 8:00 a.m., the entire faculty of Clara Barton attended targeted professional development and received individualized coaching too.

Naseer Wilkerson, Chancellor Avenue School
Newark, New Jersey
On day one of yet another three-day suspension, eighth-grader Naseer asked Principal Fuentes if he could come back because he “didn’t want to miss another day of school."
Impact Highlights
- 80% of Turnaround training series participants identified specific Turnaround resources as relevant to their current needs
- 90% of participants agreed that the Turnaround training series has been impactful on their own practice
- 77% of participants agreed that the Turnaround training series has been impactful on their school’s practice