Pamela Cantor M.D. Mentioned in Washington Post: Why Learning Isn’t The Most Important Thing Kids Lost During The Pandemic

Photo credit: The Washington Post
Turnaround for Children Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D., was mentioned in the Washington Post article, “Why learning isn’t the most important thing kids lost during the pandemic,” republished an article from Edutopia that addresses the need to look beyond concerns about “learning loss” as children return to school.
The original piece, written by Stephen Merrill, examined the best ways to go about addressing academic setbacks during the pandemic while also honoring the social, emotional and psychological needs of students. Underlining the science behind classroom practices that better enable students to thrive, the article cites the initial findings of the Science of Learning and Development Alliance (SoLD):
Last year a group of renowned researchers and influential educators including Pamela Cantor, MD, Linda Darling-Hammond, and Karen Pittman published a paper on the science of learning and development that didn’t mince words: “The presence and quality of our relationships may have more impact on learning and development than any other factor.”
Read the full article here.
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