Pamela Cantor, M.D. presents at and co-convenes Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) Convening

Pamela Cantor, M.D.
Turnaround for Children joined partners from the Science of Learning & Development (SoLD) Initiative in Redwood City, CA, for the premiere Science of Learning & Development Convening.
The event was convened by Pamela Cantor, MD, President and CEO, Turnaround for Children, Visiting Scholar at the Mind, Brain, & Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus, Stanford University; Christopher Edley, Jr., Professor and Former Dean, UC Berkeley Law School, Co-Founder, The Opportunity Institute; Bethany Little, EducationCounsel; David Osher, Vice President and Institute Fellow, American Institutes for Research; and Todd Rose, The Center for Individual Opportunity, Director of the Mind, Brain & Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
The convening brought together leaders in education practice, policy, research and science, along with many interested members of the education funding community, to explore how to build upon the science of learning and development to advance equity and innovation in their fields.
In addition to panels, plenaries, workshops and informal discussions, convening attendees had the privilege of visiting three local schools: Hillsdale High School, New School of San Francisco and Summit Preparatory Charter High School — each of
which is on a journey toward creating more personalized learning environments and experiences that develop the whole child. The visits provided an opportunity to see new practices and meet students, teachers and leaders.
Pamela Cantor, M.D. and Jim Shelton, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Christopher Edley, Jr., Opportunity Institute; Kate Felsen, Brigid Ahern, Turnaround for Children; David Osher, AIR; Pamela Cantor, M.D., Dr. Gisele C. Shorter, Lily Steyer and Gabe Friedman, Turnaround

Jim Shelton, Christopher Edley, Jr. and Todd Rose, Harvard Graduate School of Education / Center for Individual Opportunity.
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