Turnaround for Children Presents at Learning and the Brain Conference Educating Anxious Brains

Photo credit: Learning & the Brain
From Friday February 14 to Sunday February 16, Turnaround for Children participated in the Learning and the Brain conference on “Educating Anxious Brains: Creating Calm, Connected, Mindful, and Trauma-Sensitive Schools,” in San Francisco, California.
Turnaround Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D. and Vice President of Partner Impact, Gretchen Livesey, both presented at the conference. The three-day conference was held at the Fairmont Hotel and the Masonic Auditorium. The event was attended by approximately 2,500 educators, researchers, leaders and mental health professionals from across the country.
Friday’s opening featured four keynotes, given by Dr. Bruce Perry, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Dr. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang and Dr. Cantor, who closed the opening night with her presentation on “Whole Child Development: Dynamics of Trauma, Stress, and Learning.”

Turnaround Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D. addresses Learning and the Brain attendees during her keynote.

The audience of 2,500 educators, researchers, leaders and mental health professionals listen intently to Dr. Cantor’s address at the Masonic Auditorium.
On Saturday, Gretchen Livesey led an interactive workshop for a capacity crowd of over 300 participants titled “The Power You Carry: How to Become a Brain Builder to Help All Children Thrive.” During the 90-minute session, Livesey shared strategies and practices to build effective classrooms, schools and systems that support whole-child development and academic achievement for all learners.
Hear👂 the roar during a “what’s your origin story” exercise! pic.twitter.com/Eh5eTPMmZJ
— Turnaround for Children (@Turnaround) February 15, 2020
Finally, on Sunday, Livesey was invited to join a panel of experts that included Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, Dr. Jill Stamm, Dr. Lori L. Desautels, Dr. Barbara Sorrels, Bryan K. Harris and Grace Dearborn, for a panel discussion called “How Can Schools Improve Child Resilience, Attachment, and Relationships?”

From L-R: Bryan K. Harris, Gretchen Livesey, Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, Dr. Lori L. Desautel and Dr. Jill Stamm.
Throughout the conference, Turnaround was represented at an exhibitor table in the entrance hall at the Masonic Auditorium, where hundreds of guests stopped by to learn more about Turnaround’s work or sign-up for our email list.
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