Turnaround Presents to Virginia Association of School Superintendents

Michael Lamb (third from left) at the VASS 2019 Spring Conference (Photo: Dina Sorensen/Twitter)
Turnaround for Children’s Pamela Cantor, M.D. and Michael Lamb were featured speakers at the Virginia Association of School Superintendents 2019 Annual Spring Conference in Roanoke, VA. The Annual Conference brought together superintendents and their teams from across the state of Virginia, in order to learn more about how to operationalize the science of learning and development for schools.
Dr. Cantor, Turnaround Founder and Senior Science Advisor, delivered the conference’s opening session, “The Power of Whole Child Personalization: Connecting Science, Learning, and Human Potential,” via live video broadcast remotely from New York. Michael Lamb, Turnaround Executive Director, Washington, D.C., presented “The Power You Carry: Designing School Systems, Grounded in Brain Science, to Help All Children Thrive” live in Roanoke.
Dr. Cantor remarked during the opening session:
“Breakthroughs do not come when we believe we can achieve them only by doing what we have been doing, just doing it a little better. The approaches we have taken thus far to learning and schools have not fully challenged our assumptions about talent — is it plentiful or scarce? Or individual growth — are skills malleable or fixed? Or human potential — what is any child capable of under the right conditions? This is a profound shift, one that could lead to an exponential change in our learning systems and schools, and in outcomes for many children. One that assumes the ubiquity of talent and a system designed to reveal it and build it.”
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